Libby is one week old today.
It seems like it went by really fast.
Here she is waving :)
"Oh...I am so cute!"
Aren't they awesome?
I don't think I ever want to stop.
We could have our own reality show.
Nothing really goes with "Spaid" though.
(I'm kidding...kind of)
"Oh...I am so cute!"
Aren't they awesome?
I don't think I ever want to stop.
We could have our own reality show.
Nothing really goes with "Spaid" though.
(I'm kidding...kind of)
Notes about week one:
- Libby is an excellent burper.
- Her hair is awesome...but definitely looks dirty if not washed everyday.
- Her ears are a little bit pointed at the top. It's beyond cute.
- The nurse at the nursing clinic advised me to undress her before I feed her to help keep her awake. I have been, and it's really nice cuddle time.
- One of the hardest things to deal with is not being able to pick up Ben. We both hate it.
- He loves his baby sister and if anything is too enthusiastic about showing it. He loves to kiss her and hold her. We have to keep a close eye on him.
- He seems to have gone from listening somewhat to not listening at all. I don't know if it's for attention or not, but I could go for less shouting around here.
- He is HUGE. I can't believe how much he's changed in my eyes since I've had Libby. Where did my baby boy go?!
- I have definitely had a short temper with Charlotte. I can even see it in myself, but I'm struggling to find a balance. It's hard to not expect too much.
- She has watched entirely way too much tv this week.
- She also loves Libby and loves to hold her. She starts off great...but somehow Libby's feet always end up higher than her head. :)
- I am doing pretty well. Recovering fabulously. The dishes are done...the laundry is not. I take naps some days. I haven't sewn or knitted (?) anything since she's been born. I have taken a ridiculous amount of pictures and need to figure out some sort of system. I am really just enjoying this phase in our lives.