The point.
She is two. And she obviously doesn't have a full grasp on how to control emotions/etc. So she's been throwing fits lately. And honestly I'm at my wits end as to what to do. She just loses it completely...and usually over nothing at all.
So I told her this week we are staying home all week to work on this. I'm tired of being in the Target parking lot and wrestling my (large) two-year-old in her carseat. I said we're staying home: you're sleeping in your own bed, you're getting up at a decent time, you're taking regular naps at a good time, and you're goine to bed on time. I said we're not arguing anymore, if I say something and you don't like it -- to your room you go.
Today (obviously) is the first day of this. It's not going well. :)
- stay home (check)
- sleep in own bed (not even close...on the floor in our room for most of the night, our bed for the rest)
- get up on time (check)
- nap @ good time (it was okay...half-check)
- bed on time (not even close again...actually fell asleep on the couch and is still there...)
- arguing (I don't know?)
She did throw one fit (went to her room) and argue some. I think she was kind of bored. We're still staying home but I'm going to try to do more with her tomorrow. Well Ben woke up so I'm typing one-handed. I'll let you know how it goes...please feel free to give advice.
I didn't know you had a blog, but I am so happy you do now. Even though we see each other all the time, it's still fun to read. Make sure you put pictures on this thing ( :