

While on 'vacation' in Iowa/Nebraska my life this past week has been defined by fits...

Fits of laughter.
I love my family and I love to laugh. I don't know many people who are more funny. Spending time with my aunts/cousins/grandparents/dad...even with my kids/mom/Austin in the car. I laughed a lot this week. The loud, hard kind of laugh that almost hurts but you can't stop.

Fits of crying.
Being around family is hard. Traveling with two small children who need naps and consistent bedtimes is hard. Being away from your husband is hard. Being lied to is hard. Seeing your baby brother graduate high school (yay!) is hard. I carried him around as a newborn. I was literally his "second mother." I'm a crier anyway. :)

Just plain old fits.
Charlotte has recently left the terrible twos....and on to the trying threes. That's what I've heard them called. She has thrown some doozies, way worse than any fit ever before. A few things that comfort me....she has been like this since she was born. Remember me trying to breastfeed her? She would scream and arch her back, just fight me like I was killing her. A lot (if not everyone's) of people's children throw fits at some time in their life. Maybe only once, maybe once a day like Charlie's been doing. I feel so helpless and like a complete failure, so if you witness(ed) a fit......please don't judge. And finally, this is a phase. We will get past this. In the meantime, I'm wondering if days will be good or bad based on whether or not there was a fit. :(

On a side note....Ben still won't crawl "normally" with his head off the ground (no rug burn yet though!). He is standing up on things though, and doing some kind of modified push-up all the time. He has his hands and tip-toes on the ground. Then he shakes his butt. He has also (one time) gone from 'crawling' to sitting up. :)

Pictures later!

1 comment:

  1. Well sounds like the Spaid's have been busy! Glad to hear that you all had fun back in Iowa for Austin's graduation party! Wish we could have been there to enjoy with all of you but we are quite happy to be a family again!! As for fits...TJ will be 8 in a few weeks and well we are still having them on occasion:-( I think I remember Anthony having one last year while we were visiting...so do not worry about what others think. Charlotte is a beautiful girl who is we behaved when she needs to be:-)
