
A Holiday Weekend

My grandparents came for a visit this past weekend.
It was wonderful to see them.
Ben modeling one of his new outfits.
Libby in one of her new outfits. Charlie just modeling;)
Bandit...he was very protective of Libby and very patient with the older two.
A group picture. This is the first time in a long time I've said, "Let's take your picture!" and Ben has cooperated. It was amazing.
This morning Ben woke up before Charlie and somehow got her door open. He crawled up in bed with her and was "reading" while she slept. He loves his sister.
I was going to tell you about our weekend...but it's time for Libby to eat...so I'll save that for tomorrow!



Nobody likes me.
Everybody hates me.
I guess I'll go eat worms.


Something my grandma says when someone is whining or feeling sorry for themselves.
Something to think about.



My parents bought us some tickets to go see the Rockies tonight.
We got rained on for a few minutes...
...but we had so much fun!
Libby's outfit. The skirt is borrowed from a friend - it's so cute I can't even stand it.
My dad gave him a drink...and he got so many sunflower seed floaties in it that he got to keep it. Thankfully it was almost gone:)

Always a lady.

Twenty years and still in love.
Will taking a picture of himself.

How cute am I?



We had a Biggest Loser finale party.
I made a cake with the final four contestant colors.
Here it is all melted and demolished.
Finales are so exciting.


Once Upon a Saturday

As you all know,
Will went back to work last week.
So after a couple days of 'staying in,'
we were more than ready for an outing.
Saturday morning we headed to Colorado Mills.
It was (exhausting) a blast.
It's definitely my new favorite place to shop.
We were there all afternoon and only made it in like six stores.
Before we left Libby got her first ponytail. :)
Libby hanging out in the wrap.
Riding the carousel in the food court. They have an area for kids, with little tables and chairs. My kids loved it.
Ben did not love the carousel. It also made my mom sick.
On the way home. Charlie fell asleep eating dinner. Ben's laughing in the background. (And riding in Bella's pink carseat. We haven't put his back in from when we had company.)
Since I love my husband, I bought him and his co-workers some cinnamon rolls at the mall and dropped them off on our way home. Doesn't he look so handsome? And a little intimidating with that big gun? Charlie had to use the restroom so he took her and Ben into his work somewhere to go...I wanted to say, "Be careful!" so much...
It was a great day.
I (and all three kids, obviously) totally overslept Sunday morning.


Who me?

After sending Charlie in the kitchen to look for Ben, she came back saying*, "It looks like our baby boy is lost." So I came to check on him and found this.
"What's the big deal, Mom?"
"I'm just getting some gum."
*She actually said that. I couldn't make stuff like that up.
(Side note: Aren't Ben's 'big boy' basketball shorts too cute?!)


One Month

Libby Sue is one month old today.
She had a check-up.
She was 8lbs. 15.4oz. - 42%
22in. - 83%
She was an absolute doll while we were there.
Very bright-eyed, cooing, making faces.
Then she had to get a shot, which was sad.


She fits in perfectly with our family.
She's only a month old, and I remember life before her...
...but at the same time it seems like she's always been a part of our lives.
I felt exactly the same way after Charlotte and Benjamin were born.
Maybe it's the anticipation leading up to their births.
I think it's more of a complete sense of...rightness...this is what I've always thought my life would be. Even though we have drama (or maybe because we do?) I couldn't be happier.



I love Wednesday night church.
The Bible study I go to now is one of the highlights of my weeks, every week.
I loved Caravans when I was a kid.
I loved Bible quizzing.
Tonight I got 3 kids + me ready to go.
Will stayed home: tonight he had just walked in the door from work.
Usually he works during actual church time. (how should I have phrased that?)
And there really isn't anyone his age/a class for him.
Not that church is all about social interaction.
We met my mom for dinner at Culver's.
We meet her pretty much every Wednesday at different places.
Today's Austin's birthday and he was able to take a break and eat with us.
Ben wouldn't eat.
The guy (a manager) made two mistakes with our frozen custard.
You get a free scoop if you get a kids meal.
(Speaking of: I just saw today that kids eat free at Quiznos...fyi)
We got to church.
I took Ben to the nursery and Charlie to her class.
It was time for Libby to eat.
She and I couldn't figure it out under the cover.
So we went off to the nursing room.
Class was half over when we returned.
Afterwards I went to get Charlie from class.
She threw a fit. My four year old.
I have long counted my blessings that she didn't behave like other children we see out and about.
She has turned into that child.
Sassy. Demanding. Dirty looks. Talking back.
It's worse than it sounds.
We made it to the van.
Charlie's crying. Ben's crying. Libby's screaming.
It's a long drive, almost 25 miles. More talking back. More dirty looks. More crying. (Libby sleeping.)
Honestly, what was the point?
I felt/feel like a failure as a mother. A person.
I want to go. I want to instill good habits in our children.
Tonight just felt like such a waste of everything.
Money. Time. Gas. Miles. Energy.
I might as well have just stayed home and done laundry. Or something. Anything.
I know I'm dramatic.
I'm sure I shouldn't have blogged about it.
In the grand scheme of things, these 'issues' are tiny.
I know.
I'm going to go have a chocolate muffin and some milk.

playing at the park


Company - VIII

On the last full day of having company...
...we were again going to go to a Rockies game
...but it was cold and rainy. Again.
We went bowling instead.
It was very late at night.
Ben loved bowling.
If we ever go again, he needs his own lane...he thought every turn should be his turn.
When he knocked pins down he said, "Uh oh!"
Charlie enjoyed it too.
She was a little self-conscious.
Once when it was her turn she said, "But every time I just lose!"
Melanie was the high scorer. :)
Greg and Dorothy made it back to VA safely.
Back to normal routines around the house and around the blog.
Will goes back to work Wednesday.
(Gasp!) It had to happen sometime.

Company - VII

I watched Bella.
We went to Chick-fil-a for lunch.
We let the kids play for awhile.
Walked around the outlets.
Will and I cooked dinner.
It was delicious.
Then we took fun pictures of Libby.
The end.


Company - VI

I just liked this one. Those are my legs to the side, if you're worried about Libby.
I don't know?!
Ben just wanted to wear the jacket, he didn't know what to think of the whole experience.
We didn't do a thing all day.
We watched Avatar.
I liked it.

Company - V

Libby was three weeks old Tuesday.
I didn't take any pictures of her Tuesday.
I'm sorry.
These are from tonight.
Packing on the pounds:)
This is to show you her hair is lighter. Can you tell? I think she'll go blonde. I really do.
Here's why: this is my baby picture (the blemish is on the ancient photo, not my face).
Don't we look alike?
And I went blonde.
Like white blonde.
And it's been getting darker ever since.


Libby facts:
She's been holding up her head and moving it around...quite a bit...probably for like a week.
She's been getting quite vocal...in happy and sad ways.
She is going through her three week old growth-spurt right on schedule.
I think she has thrush.
I'm calling the Dr. in the morning.
(Ben has hives? or something.)


As far as company goes - we didn't do anything Tuesday.
We went out to breakfast and dinner.
We were supposed to go to a Rockies game.
But it was frigid.


Company - IV

Charlotte got a Chuck E. Cheese gift card for her birthday...
I was watching Bella...
and we wanted to do something to get the kids home in time for naps...
and so we went.
I think because it was a Monday early afternoon it was very empty - which made it a lot of fun.
This is all Elizabeth did the entire time. She's sweet like that.
Chasing Ben around
He loved all the "car" type things. We will definitely be going back.
My beautiful girl. She's so grown up.
He shoots!
We let him cheat (he wasn't strong enough to roll it up) and he still put every ball into the "no points" area. It was funny.
They loved it. Charlotte got a bracelet, a ring and a spider for her prizes. Crazy.

Company - III

Mother's Day
We got up and got ready.
Greg took us out to Perkins for breakfast.
It was ridiculously packed and we had to sit at two different tables.
I had to feed Libby while we were there and lots of weird people came in the bathroom.
Then we went to Sam's to pick up her birth announcements.
Then we came home and I addressed them all. Still haven't mailed them. :(
We had a relaxing afternoon.
We went out to dinner at BWW with my parents.
Melanie took her parents out.
We all played games afterwards.
It was a lot of fun.
There aren't any pictures of me, so here's my mom and Libby.
Climbing on the back of the couch - he's not really supposed to...
"Take a picture of me too, Mom." - Okay :)