
Once Upon a Saturday

As you all know,
Will went back to work last week.
So after a couple days of 'staying in,'
we were more than ready for an outing.
Saturday morning we headed to Colorado Mills.
It was (exhausting) a blast.
It's definitely my new favorite place to shop.
We were there all afternoon and only made it in like six stores.
Before we left Libby got her first ponytail. :)
Libby hanging out in the wrap.
Riding the carousel in the food court. They have an area for kids, with little tables and chairs. My kids loved it.
Ben did not love the carousel. It also made my mom sick.
On the way home. Charlie fell asleep eating dinner. Ben's laughing in the background. (And riding in Bella's pink carseat. We haven't put his back in from when we had company.)
Since I love my husband, I bought him and his co-workers some cinnamon rolls at the mall and dropped them off on our way home. Doesn't he look so handsome? And a little intimidating with that big gun? Charlie had to use the restroom so he took her and Ben into his work somewhere to go...I wanted to say, "Be careful!" so much...
It was a great day.
I (and all three kids, obviously) totally overslept Sunday morning.

1 comment:

  1. Her first ponytail already?!? So cute! Can't wait to see you soon.
