

Wow, this year is flying by so quickly. :)
So just a quick recap of the weekend...my grandparents arrived Saturday morning (before I had time to fold/put away laundry mountain!). They were able to park their huge, amazing motor home across the street at the middle school. We just hung out at home until Will got off work. They brought each of the kids bags full of new clothes! They are so generous. I showed them around the house (not laundry mountain). We ate some lunch. I talked to my grandma about some patterns I bought. After Will came home we headed off to Ft. Collins and the girls + Ben went to a quilt shop and the boys - Ben went to a shooting range. It was only the 2nd or 3rd time I'd ever been in a "real" quilt shop, so I really enjoyed it....the kids behaved so-so. After we reunited we went to dinner and then came home and went to bed! Sunday morning my grandpa came over to look at some things around the house with Will. We had brunch. Will and my grandpa fixed three major problems around the house; our leaking faucet, our leaking shower (basement), and our leaking windows. It is so nice to have those things done! He also showed Will how to hang things on these plaster walls. Yay! It was so great to see them, we were really sad they had to go home so soon. And now Will wants a shih tzu like Bandit. (This is really detailed...more for my information later...sorry.)
One of Libby's gifts (the hat) from a friend of my grandparents. She works in a really fancy kids' clothing store (like Clothes Pony here) and has given all three of my children beautiful gifts.
Hello, my name is Elizabeth. I am six weeks old today. I enjoy hanging out in my swing, laying on my belly, holding my head up for extended periods of time, and long walks on the beach. I have been consistently sleeping six hours at night for almost a week, though my mom wishes it was 12 to 6 instead of 10 to 4. I am pretty easy-going, but I have been tending to have a fussy time in the evening. I have started cooing and talking and smiling. My siblings adore me and I'm really starting to notice when they are around me. My mom really needs to get her act together and get my picture taken with them before I get any bigger!


June is going to be a busy month for us.
We have lots going on and VBS is literally right around the corner.
I also have some pretty hefty resolutions this month:

*Lose baby weight. I'm not going into numbers, because I know skinny people read this. Will says sustainable weight loss is 2-3 lbs. a week...so that is my goal.
*Have at least one 'date' with Charlotte
*Have at least one date with Will
*Six days of the week I want to have at least one activity planned just for the kids. It might be something as simple as taking them to the park a few blocks from here or getting the play-doh out, but I want less TV and more other stuff.
*One day of the week I want to do something just for me...take a bath (alone!), get a pedicure, work in my craft room uninterrupted....something.
*Try at least one "Yes" day

We'll see how it goes!

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