
Thursdays are for Cuties

Warning: A whole buncha pictures follow...


I've decided that:
~I know next to nothing about photography/photo editing
~I know even less about the "blog world"
~I jumped into all this with both feet and am going to keep going...I love it...even just for me
~It would be awesome if blogging could be my job...I don't know how people get so many followers...I guess I need to write a book or something...
~Working out is ridiculous. Even more so when combined with housework, cooking meals, running errands, picking up 30 lb. toddlers, etc.
~I will never give up my love affair with Mt. Dew. I just can't do it.
~Libby sucking her thumb today is one of the sweetest things I've ever seen
~This week is going by too fast...I want to capture life with a 6, an 88 and a 215 week old and remember it forever...yes, I really did the math...yes, I'm a dork...even more so for using the word "dork"
~I wish I really had handwriting like the font on the pictures; wouldn't that be awesome?

1 comment:

  1. Love all of the pictures! I wish I knew how to frame them like that. So I was planning on seeing if we could get together this week, and it's already over. That Monday holiday made the weeks seem to go by so fast. We should plan on next week!
