

The Road to El Dorado is not a good movie.
At all.
I was actually shocked at some of the stuff.
We put the kids to bed before it was over.


It's Friday Night...

We are getting ready to watch The Road to El Dorado with the kids.
Hopefully it's a cute show.
Some snapshots of our day:
Hanging out on my lap. I'm enjoying this age so much.
Swimming in the backyard. Notice our dead grass.
Ben's been running a fever all day.
I know I've said it before, but that kid gets hot when he has a fever.
It was 103.7.
He seems fine now?
Guess I should have went to medical school before I had children.
(I had a bunch of other stuff I was going to say...but now I don't feel like it. Off to cuddle.)



The youngest in our family has reached another milestone.
I'm sorry for not telling you yesterday.
She is so close to rolling over it's ridiculous.
She is just starting to fit into 3-6 month clothes.
(Which I think is perfect; I love when sizes and ages match up.)
For the most part, she is a very content baby.
She's a very, very fast eater. Nothing like Ben was.
She seems bigger everyday to me.
She still loves her swing.
(And I am grateful, otherwise I wouldn't get anything done!)
She is the most social baby I have ever been around.
I'm not exaggerating.
She will talk and talk and talk.
The minute anyone gives her attention she is all smiles.
It's wonderful.
She is a beauty.
(In my humble opinion.)
She has the most perfect skin. Not a flaw to be found.
I formerly had the flawless skin.
Then she was born.
I must have given it to her or something.
Someone told me once that for each baby you have you lose/change something.
When I had Charlotte it was my ears.
Now when I go in a plane or up in the mountains, I'm the one chewing gum and swallowing trying to get my ears to pop.
I can't pinpoint one specific thing that changed when I had Ben,
but my recovery after having him was horrible.
I'm sure that counts.
And now, Elizabeth Sue.
And my used-to-be-perfect-skin.
I could almost cry.
She's more than worth it, though.
I am still holding out for it to clear up when I'm finished nursing.
If not, it's on to more drastic measures...
Libby is three months old and:
*I haven't gotten her pictures taken. This literally breaks my heart.
*I haven't sewed any onesies for her.
*I haven't gotten into a routine that keeps the house picked up/laundry put away/dishes done.
*I haven't lost my "baby weight". I'm not sure I can even call it that anymore.
*I haven't written like 5 or 6 thank you notes that are rudely overdue.



Charlotte, Kylie and I got henna tattoos in Estes Park.
I have so much to tell you, dear blog.
However, I have family in town.
Which really cuts into blogging time.
But I can't complain.
I'd much rather be with family.
Also, this morning when I could have been blogging (hello! Charlotte slept in until 9:45 - unbelievable!)
I had to deal with ants.
In my living/dining room.
It's a carpeted room.
I vacuumed.
And vacuumed.
And bleached.
And vacuumed.
And washed high chairs.
And vacuumed.
I hate ants.
I had a very firm "no little people eat in the dining room" rule.
Then we had Libby.
And when we have people over we all can't fit at the kitchen table.
So, their high chairs (and Charlie's booster) have been on the carpet off and on since she's been born.
Another reason to hate this carpet.
But that's a whole 'nother post.



A glass of water.
From our fridge.


Summertime Blues

This is the only decent shot I got of them in their matching watermelon shirts.
Libby had a blowout all over her outfit.
And her carseat.
And my shirt.
I inexplicably feel very down.
I am at a loss as to what to do about it.
My life is about as perfect as life can get.
I think maybe I just need more sleep.



I finally figured out how to take video with our camera. It's ridiculously easy. I've done a few, we just did this one for fun. She can spell a few other things, but was feeling silly with the camera on her. When she watched this she said, "I'm so funny!" Listen to Libby "talking" in the background:)


I just wanted to tell you...

...Elizabeth Sue is 11 weeks old today.
Believe it.
I have no pictures.
My camera has been confiscated for V.B.S.
And she has a cold in her eye anyway.

...Will sprained his ankle today.
He had to go the E.R.
After V.B.S.
After I made him wait in the car at Wal-mart for 20 minutes so I could go in and buy half our month's budget worth of diapers.
Just kidding.
Kind of.
But they are expensive.
Anyway, Will thought he was fine...
but his boss said he couldn't come to work with crutches without papers saying he needed them.
Or something.
So I came home and put the kids to bed.
And he drove himself to the hospital.
With his left foot.
I'm trying to find some way to put a positive spin on this.
It's not working.
At least it's not broken?



Two nights in a row now Libby has gone nine hours between feedings....
she slept about seven of that....
both nights she ate just after 9:00...
stayed awake until 11:00ish and then didn't eat again until 6:00...
should I be concerned? I am nursing her.
She did have two very exhausting days those two days.
I try to feed her "on demand" for the most part, but I don't want her to starve herself.
She has also been "cluster feeding" in the evenings.
I think six or seven hours is fine...but nine?
Normally I'd be heading off to the nursing clinic...
but I don't have time this week!
Give me some advice please! :)


A Dose of Saturday Random:

~Ben talks SO much these days - and, he's really trying to pronounce words correctly. It's so cute to see him think about it. He's started doing simple sentences too. In the car the other day: "Bibby, doan ty!" (Libby, don't cry!)
~Charlie is Ms. Bossy...but mostly in an endearing way. For instance: She plays pretend with Ben and takes him "places" and has him put his shoes on, sit here, pick that up, etc.
~Libby has grown up so much! It's hard to believe she's not even 11 weeks yet. She looks so big to me. She talks and coos and smiles a lot. She also cries like she's dying for the slightest reason. I think it's adorable...I guess you can tell I'm her mom.
~VBS starts Monday. I'm not ready.


Name that Movie

(The view out the front door where we stay in Iowa)
"But then I come down here and...this fits, too."


I have so much going on.
My blog isn't the only thing suffering.