

I've been looking for a job...for a little while now. Pretty much since I got used to having two kids...at least a little bit used to it! I'm trying to find a child to watch at home or someone that wants me to come to their home with my children to watch theirs. I'm not sure if I have the skills needed for other kinds of stay-at-home jobs.

I think it's just too much to ask...yes, I'll watch your child(ren) but I need to bring my two kids along. I know that it could work but there are just too many people out there looking for jobs that don't have to bring their kids too. I've sent out so many e-mails just asking people to meet with me to see if we could work something out (I worded it so much more professionally though!) and only person has even responded. It's so frustrating! I guess I'm venting. Will wants me to get licensed and be a "real" daycare, but I just don't feel like I have the space for something like that here. Actually, I know I don't.

I don't know, I don't need a job so badly...ends are meeting. It would just be nice to pay some extra on bills....maybe set some $$ aside for when our transmission goes out, who knows?! :) And it's so worth it being with Ben and Charlie everyday, I know I definitely don't want to do anything else. Like I said, I'm just frustrated...and I don't really have anyone who understands so I thought I'd just put it out there into cyberspace.

Actually, I do have someOne who understands...and I have been praying about it. I just sent out two more emails today....so maybe someone will be interested!


The Terrible Two's

So...Charlie will be three in April. I italicized it because I honestly can't believe it. I remember being pregnant with her...having her...being with her when she was tiny like it was yesterday! There are two sides to it though, I just told my mom the othere day "I don't know what I did before I had her." It's so true. She adds so much to my life. She's hilarious and original and, boy, she is a TALKER. The other night we were in bed and trying to go to sleep (yes she was in my bed, yes I know that's not good) and she's like, "You're my sexy mommy." I almost died from laughing (so of course she said it like six more times). I was like, where did you hear that?! (No, Will doesn't say things like that, if he did I wouldn't wonder where she heard it:)) Anyway, this is not the point.
The point.
She is two. And she obviously doesn't have a full grasp on how to control emotions/etc. So she's been throwing fits lately. And honestly I'm at my wits end as to what to do. She just loses it completely...and usually over nothing at all.
So I told her this week we are staying home all week to work on this. I'm tired of being in the Target parking lot and wrestling my (large) two-year-old in her carseat. I said we're staying home: you're sleeping in your own bed, you're getting up at a decent time, you're taking regular naps at a good time, and you're goine to bed on time. I said we're not arguing anymore, if I say something and you don't like it -- to your room you go.
Today (obviously) is the first day of this. It's not going well. :)
  • stay home (check)
  • sleep in own bed (not even close...on the floor in our room for most of the night, our bed for the rest)
  • get up on time (check)
  • nap @ good time (it was okay...half-check)
  • bed on time (not even close again...actually fell asleep on the couch and is still there...)
  • arguing (I don't know?)

She did throw one fit (went to her room) and argue some. I think she was kind of bored. We're still staying home but I'm going to try to do more with her tomorrow. Well Ben woke up so I'm typing one-handed. I'll let you know how it goes...please feel free to give advice.


Bad mom?

It's kind of crazy...I know. Benjamin puts himself to sleep...and I feel like a bad mom because of it! I feel like I should hold him/cuddle him/rock him until he's asleep. But no...just put him in bed, give him his paci and he'll just fall asleep. Most of me knows that this is a good/desirable quality. I know this because I also feel like a bad mom because my daughter who will be three in April still will not put herself to sleep or sleep by herself for that matter. She has to be cuddled or have her hand held. Even when she does (occasionally) sleep in her bed she always comes in ours in the early hours of the morning.

It's like I have this great internal debate. I wish there was a switch that you could turn off and on in your kids. Turn it on...they want to sleep with you/cuddle with you/etc. Turn it off...they go in their own beds and sleep ten hours at night at two hours at naptime. I want it on because I love holding my kids and being with them and Will's back to working nights so it's nice having them in the bed. I want it off because we have a full size bed and with Will and Charlie both there I don't sleep at all...especially if you add Ben to the mix.

Just writing this I've decided I'm not a bad mom. Ben and Charlotte cancel each other out. Charlie will start sleeping all night in her own bed...some day. Benjamin will hopefully just start sleeping all night. Just some random thoughts for you guys:)


First Post

So I decided to make this blog because we just got back from vacation and there are so many people I want to keep in better touch with! Hopefully this will work as my half of keeping everyone up to date on what's going on with us. Enjoy:)

Our vacation was...long. We left Colorado on the 23rd of December and the kids and I didn't get back until January 8th. It was a lot of time in carseats for the little ones, but it was worth it. It was so so great to see everyone and finally get our chairs from Virginia! I'll start at the beginning. Like I said, we left on the 23rd. In the Suburban it was me, Charlie, Ben, my mom, Anthony, Austin and a whole lot of stuff. We were pretty crammed. We drove to Grand Island, NE where we dropped off a little bit of stuff and added my dad into the mix. We finally got to my Aunt Tori's I think around 3:00 AM. Then the kids and I did Christmas Eve at my G & G Isaacson's, Christmas morning at Aunt Tori's, Christmas afternoon at G Kilby's and Christmas evening at Aunt Susie's. Needless to say, we were tired the next day and did nothing!

Will had to work so he met us in Iowa on the 26th and on the way the transmission in the van went out. We were already planning on borrowing my mom's Suburban for the trip to VA, so thankfully everything worked out. My parents just had to share a car for a few days. On the 27th we did some more visiting with family and then left for Virginia on the 28th. It took us about 18 hours to get there...not too bad with two kiddos I think. We had a wonderful time seeing Will's family and spending time with the Shellys who very graciously hosted us. Will had the most fun I think; meeting up with friends from high school and before. Charlie was in heaven staying in a house with four other kids besides her brother. The only downside to the whole trip was Luke and Jake (the Shellys' youngest) were sick and on the day we left the kids started getting sick too.

We left on Friday night and drove all night to Iowa. It still took us 18 hours:) We played games and hung out with family on Saturday night and then left for Grand Island on Sunday morning. The kids and I stayed in Grand Island with my dad to wait for the van to get fixed and Will went on home with my mom and brothers. (he had to work) Monday morning I wasn't happy with the way the kids were feeling and Charlie had been running a fever two nights in a row...so I decided to take them to urgent care...which is called Prompt Care in Grand Island. The Dr. was very kind but maybe not as on top of things as she should have been. She gave Charlie two prescriptions but basically said Ben was fine. Well, he wasn't. On Tuesday he started wheezing. I took him back to Prompt Care where they gave him a nebulizer treatment that didn't do anything and finally sent us to the ER. It wasn't high drama or anything but it was still scary to be at ER with my three month old. They did some tests and said he has RSV. Sent us home with our own nebulizer and a prescription. I'm not telling this story very well, but it was a long and stressful night. To top it all off, the van's (which I had just picked up) check engine light came on when I left the ER.

Anyway, to wrap it all up. They couldn't get the van back in until Thursday morning. It turned out to be nothing and we were on our way. We got home Thursday evening and Will almost immediately had to go to work. All I'm focused on now is getting the kids...and now myself...better. I guess this is quite long, but I'm willing to bet future posts will be shorter. I'll put pictures up soon.