
Magic Carpet

What's up with my camera? Our furniture wasn't like this...
Seriously, this has been our floor (somewhat covered by rugs). It was nasty.
Ta da! We picked a Berber (?) for the durability, price and built-in stain protection. I think it's funny that carpet that wears out faster...costs more. You also can't see footprints...which I like...but you can't see vacuum lines either...and those are like my favorite. :)
It's called "Wildflowers." Weird name for a carpet, huh?
A recap for those who don't remember:
We closed on the house/moved in the last day of July.
Before we had been here two weeks....the basement flooded.
The carpet was literally a year old.
It was sad.
Hopefully (!) we have fixed the leaking problem.
In other news...
I went to the Dr. again today.
Seems like that's all I do.
Everything is going well.
I'm 36 weeks 3 days.
Charlie is really excited for Easter.
I asked her if she knew why we celebrate Easter.
She said she didn't, so I was trying to prompt her and asked, "What did Jesus do for us?"
She said, "I don't know, brought us eggs and stuff?"
It was funny.
Then we talked about the real reason...I think she would be able to tell you why now...but I'm not sure that she really gets it.
Ben has started saying "No! No!" with his finger pointing at you and his brow furrowed. It's so cute and so naughty.


Would you let your son...

...eat buttons off a calculator?
Ben does. He chews them like gum. Then comes and spits them out on my lap.
...sit in something that was clearly never intended to be sat in?
...go in the bathroom unattended...climb on the sink...get in the sink...turn the water on...get mad that he was getting soaking wet...and take a picture instead of get him out?
This is just proof of how fast a toddler can get into mischief. It took him less than two minutes to get into this situation.
On a different note: I think Ben can sense (maybe smell?) when I Windex anything. Every single time I clean the bathroom that is the day I find him on the counter kissing himself or licking the mirror or just...putting hand prints all over. It's uncanny.


Coming Soon! and feet

I got this diaper in the mail Saturday. Isn't it tiny? I love it.
I got some shirts for the kids. Maybe not "cool enough" for some people, but I think they are adorable.
My handsome hubby. :) We got some new (to us) living room furniture. It's not the best style-wise, but shape and size-wise (and price-wise!) it was a good choice. I want to recover all the print material...but I don't see that happening before the baby's born.
Charlie and I got pedicures today. That is one of my most favorite things to do. They have a special at this place that if you go on Sundays it's only $20 bucks. I told Will...if I went every other week that would be like $10 bucks a week...totally worth it in my opinion.
And Ben's foot...just because it's cute.


I love my mom

My mom came over and helped me finish one of my March resolutions today.
It was something like, "Get craft room done."
I couldn't be more thrilled.
This is a little closet just outside. It's housing most of my new (to me!) stamps. Seriously...have a project? Come over and use this stuff. It's awesome. In this picture you can see the tiling Will and Chris did...:)
Note to self: don't buy any yarn/fabric until you do something with all of this!
That's a joke. I actually need (want) some yarn.
The computer side. We put the fabric up on the walls today. Well, my mom did. I just held it if she needed help.
The sewing area/craft table/bulletin board.
That bulletin board was left here by the previous owners.
I got that lamp/desk chair/bookshelf free when my mom's office moved locations.
You have to see it in person, it looks so much better than these pictures.
My mom was awesome and very non-judgemental. The only comment she had about my amount of stuff was, "Maybe you shouldn't go down the office aisle for awhile."



My first article of clothing that's not a hat!
It took forever...although I willingly admit that it's mostly due to procrastination.
I did most of the first two/last two days.
I am mostly pleased.
The sides of the front opening curl a lot.
I'm not sure why the person who wrote the pattern would allow that.
Maybe they like it?
See what I mean? I might try to pick up the stitches and add some bulk to that area.
If I did, should I use the gray or a pink I have?
A close-up of the buttons. Charlie picked them out.
What the back looks like...
I just thought this one was sweet.


Playing Dress Up

We were feeling a little silly today...

I had another Dr. appointment today.
She said full-term is 37 weeks.
I've never heard such a thing, have you?
I always thought it was 38.
Everything is going well...as it should be.
I got Charlie an Easter dress at Gymboree for $13.53.
It's beautiful.
Ben will probably wear something he already has/get something from Target.
I'm so tired of boys clothes.
There aren't any cute ones anywhere.
Even places that do have cute ones...don't clearance them out the same way they do girls' clothes.
You know how they have stores just for little girls clothes? (Justice, Limited 2)
Why don't they have anything like that for boys?
I'm thinking of opening one.
I guess the boys probably won't care...but moms want their sons dressed cute...or I do.
I wish Buffalo Wild Wings delivered.



Gosh, I hope it's hormones.
I'm so tired of being so angry at every single little thing.
I feel like a failure at life.
It sucks.

Suits and Slides

I think I could go everyday.

I know a couple kids who definitely would.



Things I can't change:
  • other people

Things I can change:

  • myself

I'm so tired of hurt feelings, frustrations and disappointments. I wish that I could run away with Will and the kids and go somewhere where people are only nice or they have to leave.

Off to a busy week. Have a great Monday. :)


Eighteen Months

Benjamin is eighteen months old today.
He is a happy guy. A joy to be around. He belly laughs everyday.
He loves Charlie's old sunglasses, so I thought it was time to get him a pair.
His hair is growing back...a lot thicker too...I think.
He is an active boy. He LOVES to climb.
He loves his paci. He calls it "bapi." I think he thinks he's saying "paci."
He points to my belly and says "baby," kisses it, and says "love you."
He sleeps through the night...comes in our bed about 5:30 or 6:00. I love the couple hours of cuddle time.
He takes about a two hour nap everyday.
He loves to go to the lazy susan and get food out...brings it to us and signs "please."
He loves to brush his teeth.
He is going through a phase where he doesn't want you to hold the fork/spoon/cup...he has to hold it. It's frustrating.
He has a pretty good vocabulary...although he's not very easily understood unless you're with him all the time. He mimics a lot. I would bet he says a new word everyday, even if he doesn't learn it. He's also very loud. He shouts/screams when things don't go his way. We're working on this.
He adores Charlie. He wants to do what she does and go where she goes.
He doesn't like to wear hats.
He helps with the laundry. Really. It's so cute.
He'll sit and listen to books. He's starting to sit and watch tv a little bit.
He loves the feeling of skin...when he's tired or wants comfort he will rub my face/neck/collarbone area.
Babyhood goes by so fast.


Sweater news:

Day Eight

Day Six/Seven
I only did like two rows one day...so I didn't take a separate picture.
It's coming along. Probably five or six inches to go...I was planning on finishing it today...but then we went to the mall instead. :)


"The New Baby"

We've got to stop calling her that.
We've pretty much decided on a name...but I still don't like to use it...just in case.
Like, if the nurse's name is the name we've picked and she's really mean.
Or something.
I'll be 35 weeks on Sunday.
She could be born in a little more than 3 weeks.
That's nuts.
I've washed all her clothes.
Put half of them away.
She moves a ton.
Way more than Ben did...but he might have been bigger I guess.
I don't really remember Charlotte.
I still need to sew the binding on her blanket and curtains/bumper/skirt/whatever else I have fabric left to do.
She's making me extremely tired.
I don't know if it's "I'm pregnant with my 3rd baby" tired.
Or "I really should be more intentional about taking my iron" tired.
It doesn't help that I can't sleep.
I'm actually looking forward to waking up every two hours to feed her.
I think it will be better than the deal now.
Despite being behind on the nursery...nesting is taking hold.
Today during nap time I did like 18 chores...
I scour craigslist for furniture.
I just want things done.
Yard work.
The list goes on...
I'm ridiculously excited.
I can't wait to meet her, hold her, smell her...
I can't wait to see Charlie with her.
Ben's going to be shocked I think.
Charlie was 29 months old when Ben was born.
Ben will be 19 months old when she's born.
It's a big difference.
Just some thoughts.


On the mend...

Took the kids to urgent care yesterday.
Charlie has an inner and outer ear infection.
Explains why she was up all night Saturday night crying.
It was sad.
Ben has infections in both ears.
The Dr. was like, "That's odd. Ear infections aren't contagious."
When I talked to the nurse about Ben's fevers...the advice she gave me was the exact opposite of what the other nurse told me the night before.
They both have been on antibiotics for over 24 hours...so hopefully the worst is over.
We have lots of company in town from Iowa for spring break.
I'm exhausted.


Saturday Night Randomness

Maybe not a very creative title, but all I could come up with.
It's been a frustrating 24-ish hours.
Ben's fever has been up. He's been tired and clingy.
It's the last day of Will's work week and I'm so glad.

I thought the bottom picture was funny because last time I set them on this bench was when I was taking Valentine's Day pictures and I kept trying to get them to kiss...I guess that's what Ben thought of when they were both up there again.
A couple of things Charlie has said this week:
"For awesome real" - I have never said this phrase:) I thought it was pretty good.
"Awesome possum" - like 10,000 times
"Awesome" - like 1,000,000 times
"Let's name the new baby Godzilla." - courtesy of my mom
Me: "So a cop came and helped her?"
Charlie: "Mom. It was a police officer."
Ben has added "horse" to his vocabulary. I'm sure there are others...but that's all I can think of...
I (in my untrained opinion) think that Ben just doesn't handle fevers well. He just can't kick it...and they get really (to me) high.
I dislike it immensely.
Especially since he can't tell me if something else is bothering him.
He just lays there, miserable.
When (if) the ibuprofen kicks in he's pretty much normal.
I finally called the Dr.
Taking him to urgent care in the morning...they said he probably needs an anti-biotic.
The nurse I talked to was rude.
I wanted to say, "You should know more than me, you're a nurse!"
But I didn't.
I think that she doesn't have kids...just a hunch.
Sorry for complaining.


Ice, Ice, Baby

I love crushed ice.
Especially when I'm pregnant.
This affinity has rubbed off on my kids.
I wish it wasn't hard on your teeth.
It's like the perfect snack.
No calories. Crunchy. Just awesome.


Our new doorknobs:) Half installed. It's been a frustrating experience.
The simplest things go wrong.

Day Five
Does this look exactly the same?
It's not...
I've even finished a whole ball of yarn.
I need to get crackin'.

I had a doctor's appointment today.
I'm 33 weeks and 4 days.
I scheduled the rest of my appointments - through 40 weeks!
It was exciting.
"New Baby's" head is down. Explains the feeling of tiny feet in my ribs.
She's measuring right on track.
I asked a lot of questions and got a lot of good answers.

It seems really close and really far away.
It seems like there aren't enough days to get everything done, but it seems like there are too many sleepless nights.

Ben has been up most of the past two nights.
I'm so tired.
So is he.


Silly Faces


Charlotte: What color eyes do you think the new baby will have?
Me: I don't know.
C: We'll have to see after she gets born and gets all the blood off her.
Me: Oh?
C: Yeah, because pregnant people have blood in them and so babies have blood on them.
Kind of gross...but good logic.



I have been busy.
Day Three
Day Four
Some Saturday morning sewing....almost done with one part of the nursery. Just fyi, when I say "nursery" I'm referring to Ben and "new baby's" room. Will's new schedule makes finding time to sew a challenge. I wish I would have thought of that before his schedule changed.
I know you thought that I've given up on monthly resolutions. I have not...one of the resolutions for March is getting rid of the paci. This picture is deceiving, because we've done really well with not letting him have it except when he's sleeping. I actually haven't even tried to put him to bed without it...it's a goal. He has fallen asleep without it before...so hopefully it won't be too rough of a transition.
This gorgeous girl is almost four. I cannot process how time has gone by so quickly. I know that soon I'll have a third baby, so I should be able to understand a four-year-old...but I can't. She is the reason I've been blogging more. I know so far it's been mostly about knitting...but I plan to be posting nearly everyday. It makes me sad that I can't remember day-to-day life with her at 6 months...18 months...30 months. Yes, I have pictures and I do have memories - but there is so much I don't remember.
And I want to.